,Hello!, Firstly, thank you for wanting to find out more about our Keep Dancing From Home classes. With the same requests coming in we thought it would be helpful to answer all your questions here.
,What does Keep Dancing ,From ,Home involve?
Keep Dancing From Home is a low impact dance class suitable for older adults. The class is an hour long and involves a gentle warm up, the teaching of two different dances and a cool down all standing.
,Does it matter that I have never danced ,before?
No. Our classes are suitable for beginners or those who have danced before. We repeat the steps as many times as needed and are more than happy to do so.
,Is it suitable for older adults with joint problems?
Yes. Our routines are specifically choreographed to consider different joint problems and alternative steps are always available upon request.
,What dances will I learn?
Each month you will learn two different styles of dance anything from Jazz, Bhangra, Salsa, Disco ,Jive and many more, all without the need of a partner.
,How do I book onto a class?
You can view our timetable and book onto you Keep Dancing From Home class
,How do I access the ,class?
The class is run through an app called Zoom and all you will need to do is click the class link and you will be accepted into the class using your tablet, laptop, computer or smart phone.
,When will the class link be sent?
The evening before your class via email.
We look forward to seeing you in class for your first FREE session.
Keep Dancing,