Goodness Gracious Ed Balls on fire

Who would have thought that Ed Balls would make it to week 10 of Strictly Come Dancing?

For many years, Strictly Come Dancing has entertained the nation on a Saturday night as celebrities showcase their dancing abilities with the help of a professional dancer.

This year has been no different as celebrities have certainly dazzled us with their dance routines and impressed us with their much improved dance technique, especially Ed Balls. Ed’s Salsa to Gangnam Style, was most definitely entertaining and has had over 58,000 views on YouTube even if judge Bruno Tonioli called it the “best worst dance I’ve ever seen”.

Even though Ed is somewhat of a wild card he demonstrates each week how dance can be accessed by all regardless of age, gender or previous dance experience. For that we absolutely commend Ed in his dancing efforts and wish him every success in the rest of the competition.

Keep Dancing!
