Dancing is the best medicine

For the last twenty weeks Faye O’Connor from Xpress-Yourself has danced on the wards with the patients at the Stonebow Unit. A hospital ward is not your usual dance floor but dancing was greatly received on this ward from both patients and staff and a great tool to help promote self-expression, enjoyment and gentle movement.

Over the twenty weeks we welcomed many different people to join us for the sessions, from patients living with Bipolar to patients living with Dementia. Dance has unlocked something for all particularly as our sessions include different elements there has been something for everyone to enjoy. Although the parachute was always the most popular as patients would flock to join us as soon as they saw the bright colours moving up and down.

“I have never danced like that before because I did not believe I could”


When we reflect back over the twenty weeks we can treasure moments of watching patients dance around the ward wafting scarves as they move and travel, getting up out of their chair and dancing together and watching staff letting go of their own inhibitions dancing with their patients.

“It is so heart-warming to see the patients smile. These dance sessions put a smile on our patient’s faces and perks them right up.”

Steph Price

Healthcare Assistant

Everyone united together as they dance move and sing. Some more of our golden moments have included much more delicate responses to our interactions. A frail lady gently started to move her hand and mirror Faye’s movements and whilst dancing she started to sit up taller and smile, appreciating the attention.

“Lovely session. Your facial expressions talked to us and made me feel like an important part of the session”


Our experience dancing in the hospital has brought happiness to patients and often they have said that they look forward to their Tuesday morning dance session as they feel better afterwards proving that dancing can be the best medicine.

#XpressYourself #Danceinhospitals #Danceforolderadults
