(BUDS) Better Understanding of Dementia for Sandwell

For September’s Guest Blog we wanted to promote the services of BUDS having delivered dance workshops at their clubs and we wanted to shout about the fantastic support they offer to people living with Dementia and their families across Sandwell.

Better Understanding of Dementia for Sandwell (BUDS) provides services for people who have been diagnosed with Dementia and live in the Borough of Sandwell. BUDS provide activities, companionship and a lunch at our various Clubs. Transport is provided to clients who require this support.

BUDS have a Befriending service where Volunteers visit clients in the home for up to two hours each week. It provides an opportunity for having a chat,reminiscing about the past or helping with hobbies. BUDS Carers Support service offers advice and information for Carers, discussion over coffee and cake. Telephone support is available along with counselling sessions if required.

BUDS provide a variety of training opportunities for Buds staff, Volunteers, Carers along with local organisations and businesses. BUDS have recently been awarded a five year Big Lottery award for Project Bellflower which begins in September. We are looking forward to an exciting future.

To find out more about the Dementia Support Services that BUDS deliver or to find out about donating to support the charity please visit http://www.buds.co.uk/.
